Take Control and Work to Defend Yourself.

It’s easy - simply go through the below list and research, call, and consult with the below attorney(s) of your choice. After you select one simply fill out the form here and follow the directions: SelectYourCourtAppointedAttorneyNow.com

Stephen Wohr

  • Elite Ivy League Cardozo School of Law

  • 25+ Years of Experience in Denton County


Nicolas Wohr

  • Worked at Texas Innocence Project

  • Law School Journal Focus on Criminal Justice

  • Trial Acquittals When Lead Counsel


Hayley Brown

  • Former Galveston County Prosecutor

  • President of Denton Criminal Defense Lawyer’s Association

  • Top 100 National Trial Lawyer


Andrew Lloyd

  • Former Prosecutor

  • Former V.P. of Denton Criminal Defense Lawyer’s Association

  • Judge’s Seminar/Conference Instructor

  • Martial Arts - Wing Tsun Kung Fi


John Setterberg

  • Former Prosecutor for 16+ Years

  • Texas Board Certified in Criminal Law



Denton County, Texas 2